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EIN for Corporations and Non-Individual Entities With this posting in the main forum, we'll find out which it is. I guess that means either that no Mac users read that forum, or that no one else thinks it's a good idea. I originally posted this idea over in the "Reader Developer's Corner," where it has met with resounding silence.

In fact, if it's on the slow side, that'll lead to a leaner GUI implementation. It has to be enough of a machine to run the Mac OS X 10.4.9 (at least), but need not be super-fast. Depending on model and prices, that'd be in the range of $275-400 or so. I figure that there's no point actually collecting any money unless and until enough people have volunteered to kick in enough money to do the job. I'll start the ball rolling by pledging $75. The second choice requires raising money. Any volunteers? I don't have a spare machine (or I'd volunteer it), but I would be willing to cover shipping (up to $75) if someone else has the hardware. Obviously, the first choice would be ideal - as long as the owner of the machine can afford to do without it for quite a while.